How to Change the Mindset | Mindsuggestions |

Best 5 Ways to Change Your MindSet | Mindsuggestions |

1. Identify or clear your thoughts.

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When old thinking comes up, as it will, it is not enough to try and ignore it. We need to challenge our beliefs. Is everything too expensive, or is it just that I cannot afford it? Do “people suck”, or am I just looking for things to criticize?
Image result for positive thoughtsWeigh your thoughts against the evidence. If they crumble under scrutiny, then explore why you believe them in the first place. By challenging your thoughts, your mindset will begin to evolve.

2. Use positive media.Image result for positive media

New mindsets are exactly the same; if you immerse yourself in personal growth content every day, it will change the language of your mind. That language is your self-dialogue, the way you speak to yourself at every moment, and it is habitual.Learn a positive self-dialogue and you will see the world in a different way.Image result for positive mediaConsuming positive media daily will alter your perspective through osmosis. “Positive media” is anything that emphasizes the good in life, or how to improve our living standards and the living standards of others. We all know that the best way to learn a new language is through immersion. If you hear this new language every day, it starts to stick and become easier to remember. Soon, you will not only understand that language but you will speak it too.

3. Search For positive friends.

A negative social circle will act as an echo chamber for bad ideas. A positive social circle will also act as an echo chamber, but one that supports your dreams, so choose your friends carefully.
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Find people who reflect the values you want to adopt. Join groups online and go to networking or social events focused on personal growth. As your own mind starts to change, it will become easier to connect with more positive people.
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I am not suggesting that you ditch friends who are going through a hard time and need your support, but rather that you evaluate whether some of your relationships are persistently draining and unhealthy. I left my old social circle because it was an echo chamber for negativity. Instead of focusing on a great future, everyone was talking about the things they did not like about life.It was hard to make new friends at first. The problem was that I could not offer any value to people with much more positive mindsets—the kind of people who I wanted to emulate. That changed, but it took time. Once you find your “tribe”, progress will come much more quickly because of your new influences.

4. Stay Away from all “bad news”.

Image result for bad newsWars, murders, and politics all add baggage to our thoughts. It makes sense that most of the mainstream media focuses on bad news, though, because tragedy sells. It does not make sense for us to sit around stewing over this bad news. It is certainly not going to allow for an optimal mindset, one that is focused on the best that life has to offer.
Related imageBy tuning into the news about a plane crash thousands of miles away, we are putting our mental energy into something that will not help. We cannot change the bad things happening at any given moment, but if we put our attention into things we can change, our lives will improve.

5. Create a morning mindset routine.

A great way to start the day is by making a mental list of each thing you are looking forward to; it creates a feeling of anticipation and excitement that creates momentum for the entire day.Every morning I play personal growth videos or audio books. By focusing on the positive messages coming from this content at the beginning of the day, it is much easier to be happy and focused. My work gets done more quickly, and it does not seem so hard either.
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 Write out your action plan.

This is about looking at the possibilities and then doing something to make it happen. Forward thinking will move your focus away from where you do not want to be to where could be. But it is not enough to simply write it out, because we only grow when we take action. It is just a thought until we do something to make it happen.You do not know what the right steps are? Do not worry, just identify the first thing you could do to start on the path, then do it. Even if it is a mistake, you will still make progress, and that will keep you focused on creating positive change. Never allow paralysis by analysis. You have the vision; go with it.

hey I hope the information given ,it will be helpful to you to Change the Mindset

Thanks for reading 


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