How to stop coming Negative Suggestions in Your MInd

How to stop coming negative suggestions in your mind

Hi Guys ! How are you ! I hope you all are happy in your life.
Today I am going to tell how you can face all the negative thoughts and suggestions
which comes in your mind.

so here is a example how you can stop thinking about the negative suggestions coming in
your mind so if you want to know about that please continue read this blog.

 Pick up the paper or turn on the television news. Every day, you hear dozens of stories that could
sow the seeds of futility, fear, worry , anxiety,and impending dooom. If you accept them and take them in
these thoughts of fear can cause you to lose the will for lige. However ,once you understand that you don't
 have to accept them, choices open up for you. You have within you the power to counteract all these destructive ideas by giving your subconscious mind constructive auto suggestions. Check regularly on the
negative suggestions that people make to you. You don't have to be at the mercy of destructive hetero geneousness.

All of us have suffered from it in our childhood, in our teens. and in adulthood. If you look back you can easily recall how parents, relatives , teachers, and associates contributed in a campaign of negative
suggestions. Study the things said to you , closely examine their underlying meaning, and you will discover that many of them were nothing more than a form of propaganda. Its concealed purpose was and is to control you by installing fear in you.


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