3 ways to increase your creativity | Mindsuggestions

Best 3 ways to increase the Creativity | MindSuggestions |

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Hi friends , how are you . I hope you are all good , and reading my all valuable blogs . Today , I am going to tell some tips that can help you to increase your creativity . 

So ,here are these one by one ,, please read the whole blog 
if you know what is creativity please click here 
1. Encourage others to talk :-
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In personal conversation or in group meetings draw out people with little urges such as , " Tell me about your experience ...." or "what do you think should be done about ..." "what do you think is the key point ?" Encourage others to talk and you win a double - barreled victory: Your mind soaks up raw material which you can use to produce creative thought and you win friends. 
There is no sure way to get people to like you than to encourage them to talk to you. 

2. Test your own Views :--
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In the form of questions, Let other people help you smooth and polish your ideas .. Use the what do you think of this suggestion approach. Don't be dogmatic . Don't announce a fresh is idea as if it were handed down on a gold tablet. Do a little informal research first. See how your associates react to it . If you do , chances are you "ll end up with a better idea.

3. Concentrate on What the other person says: --
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Listening is more than just keeping your own mouth shut . Listening means letting what's said penetrate your mind . So often people pretend to listen when they aren't listening at all. They're just waiting for the other person to pause so they can take  over with the talking. Concentrate on what the other person says. Evaluate it . That's how you collect mind food.
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More and More leading universities are offering advanced management training programs for senior business executives. According to the sponsors, the big benefit of these programs is not that the executives get ready made formula which they can use to operate their business more efficiently, Rather , they benefit most from the opportunity to exchange and discuss new ideas . Many of these programs require the executives to live together in college dormitories , thus encouraging bull sessions. Boiled down to one word, the executives benefits most often the stimulation received . 
if you are still  reading that mean you have taken all info . 
I hope guys this info is enough for increase your creativity .
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Thanks for reading.


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